How to Track OPay Transaction

Transactions Tracking

Hello guys! Are you having problems tracking and tracing your OPay Account Transactions? Look no further because in this article, I’m going to walk you through how to track your OPay Transactions in the mobile banking app.

Tracking OPay Transactions can be done in two ways; tracking via Transactions History and tracking using Session ID.

A Bank Session ID is a 30-digits unique code, also known as Identifier, which can be used to track and trace any stuck transactions in bank system. The fun part of session ID is that it can be used by any financial institutions in Nigeria.

Tracking your OPay Transactions

Like I mentioned earlier, OPay Transactions can be tracked or traced in two ways. I will walk you through the two different ways of tracking OPay Transactions in this section.

Tracking OPay Transaction via Transfer History

Kindly login to your OPay Account and click on “Transaction History” at the top right corner of the dashboard.

You will see list of your successful and unsuccessful transactions. You can explore through them to track and manage the transaction in question.

You can click on the Transaction Receipt to know more about the status; whether it’s successful, unsuccessful or pending.

Tracking OPay Transaction using Session ID

This process is usually required by a beneficiary bank. For instance, you send money from your OPay Account to another bank account in Nigeria and the money get stuck.

The receiving bank will request for the Transaction Session ID to be able to trace and track down the Money to their end.

Hence, you will have to provide the transaction ID, also known as Session ID, to your recipient.

Here’s how to get OPay Session ID:

  • Login to your OPay Account and navigate to Me.
  • Click on “Transaction History”
  • Click on “Download” button located at the right corner of the page to download your OPay Account Statement.
  • Open the Account Statement in PDF and you will see list of your Transactions.
  • Trace the Transaction in question to get the Session ID.

Each transactions in the bank statement will have a Session ID at the front rows. After getting the Session ID, you can then give it to your recipient to take it to bank for the purpose of tracking the OPay Transaction.

The Bottom Line

As you can see that to track OPay Transaction is something easy and hassle-free. Simply by logging in to your OPay App and navigating to Transaction History, you can trace, track and manage your Transactions.

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