The Galaxy S22 series OneUI 6.1 update has been discontinued

One UI 6.1 update for Galaxy S22 series halted due to a bug

Following the recent update rollout for the Galaxy S22 series, reports emerged regarding a lock screen issue affecting certain devices, prompting an immediate halt to the update distribution starting Friday.

The concern extends beyond the malfunctioning lock screen; some users also reported unresponsiveness in the touch screen functionality.

In severe instances, users may find themselves compelled to resort to a factory reset to address the issue effectively.

The discovery of such an issue underscores the delicate balance between introducing new features and ensuring the stability and functionality of existing ones within software updates.

Fortunately, the setback does not extend to Samsung’s Flip 4 and Fold 4 models, which have remained unaffected by the reported issues.

Meanwhile, while there have been isolated incidents reported with the S21 series, the update for these devices has not yet been discontinued, suggesting that the issue might be less widespread or severe compared to its counterpart in the S22 series.

Samsung’s prompt response to such issues reflects its commitment to maintaining user satisfaction and upholding the quality standards associated with its flagship devices.

What users are experiencing

One user expresses relief that they haven’t encountered any issues with the update, while another is puzzled by the disappearance of a particular feature post-update. They also mention that the feature initially worked fine but is now behaving oddly.

Another user suggests a solution for a keyboard-related issue, advising to reset the keyboard settings via the settings menu to resolve the problem. Their use of emoticons suggests a mix of anxiety and relief upon finding a solution.

In contrast, one user expresses frustration and surprise upon learning that a factory reset was necessary to address an unidentified issue with their device.

This indicates a significant inconvenience and lack of awareness regarding the problem prior to the reset.

Lastly, a user recounts encountering stuttering after updating the software and attempts to rectify the issue by running an app booster.

Despite that, they still experience irregularities with navigation gestures. They eventually resolve the problem by toggling the “One&One operation” off and then on again, expressing a sense of relief after the issue is resolved.

Overall, these users are sharing their varied experiences with software updates, including encountering issues, troubleshooting methods, and eventual solutions.