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“Two broke people dating should be a serious crime” – Cynthia Morgan Says



The Nigerian female rapper has stated reasons dating between two people who are financially, mentally and spiritually broke should be a crime.

The singer asked why people took it very personal when she said, men should not be financially broke and in a relationship, when she posted it on her instagram page.

She further enumerated the three types of financial brokenness, that she believed to be present; Spiritual, Mental and Financial.

According to her she said, men naturally provide, but it is okay for a Man to seek for a woman while he is broke. In her opinion, it should be a crime for two emotionally, spiritually and mentally broke individuals to be dating.

She wrote,

Not sure why people take it personal when they say men shouldn’t be broke and dating. Firstly I will like to state that there are three types of brokenness,1, financial brokenness, mental brokenness and spiritual brokenness. But let me expanciate on the financial brokenness. men are natural providers. If you’re lucky to find a woman that doesn’t mind cool. But two financially, spiritually and mentally broke people dating should be a crime in my opinion|”