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DJ Cuppy opens up about her current enjoyment of being single.



DJ Cuppy shares that despite societal expectations to marry, she’s actually enjoying her single life. The billionaire heiress conveyed this message through her Instagram account.

As she headed to her friend’s wedding, she reflected on how much she’s come to enjoy such events since turning 30.

She elaborated on feeling more liberated and unrestricted by not being tied to someone as their plus one.

see her post:

Reactions varied:
@Cipher_Capitano speculated on her motive for the post, while

@susu_4_Xcaptain expressed a desire for her to be in a serious relationship. @iamenic advised her to stop deceiving herself.

@falaqamin noted the added sweetness of freedom due to financial stability.

@bassey_gi expressed concern about her happiness.

@iamfortune25 made a conjecture about her single status.

@aduola_michael commented on her attitude towards relationships.