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A viral video showing a young boy herding cows generates reactions online.



A video of a young boy skillfully herding cows has gone viral, attracting attention online.

The boy, estimated to be between 6 and 8 years old, confidently leads a herd of cows with expertise, using a long cane typical of herders.

Internet users were amazed by the footage. Some attributed his proficiency to being raised in a family tradition of cattle rearing, while others speculated he wasn’t solely responsible for the cows.

Oyindamola commented: “Is this little child really controlling these big cows? “

Ayomiepat remarked: “Try doing something funny around the cows, and you’ll see who the real controllers are.”

Emrayjam stated: “It’s normal; he was born into cattle rearing.”

Ralph observed: “The cows respect him; they see a guide, not just a small boy. It’s in his genes.”

THE KINGPIN commented: “There’s something special about these northern kids; it’s not ordinary.”

Tegztheghudguy added: “It’s a family heritage; they start training them early.”

watch video below: